Here is a list of warm spaces to use in Northampton so you can get out of the cold this Christmas.Here is a list of warm spaces to use in Northampton so you can get out of the cold this Christmas.
Here is a list of warm spaces to use in Northampton so you can get out of the cold this Christmas.

Cost of living: Here are 27 of the warm spaces in Northampton where you can go this winter

Get out of the cold this Christmas by visiting any of these warm banks in Northampton

Volunteers from charities, businesses and organisations across Northampton have come together to create warm spaces for residents who cannot afford to heat their homes this winter due to the ongoing cost of living crisis.

If you have found yourself in the difficult situation of choosing between putting food on your table or turning on the heating, please know you are not alone.

Warm spaces have been set up to enable people to get out of the cold for a little while, warm up with a hot drink and combat loneliness.

If you are in a position where you need to use a warm space and you would like to share your story, email

Here is a list of warm spaces that have been set up by volunteers across Northampton: