Man convicted of killing Northamptonshire man after driving into him in car park

Lorenzo Gallucci died after he was hit by a car in the Splash pool car park in RushdenLorenzo Gallucci died after he was hit by a car in the Splash pool car park in Rushden
Lorenzo Gallucci died after he was hit by a car in the Splash pool car park in Rushden
A 26-year-old man has been found guilty of using his car as a 'weapon' to kill a 60-year-old Northamptonshire man.

Mohamed Hirsi has been on trial for the past two weeks accused of killing Lorenzo Gallucci in Splash swimming pool car park in Station Road, Rushden on September 21, 2014.

A jury yesterday returned a guilty verdict for charges of manslaughter and criminal damage. Hirsi was found not guilty of affray.

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The court heard that Hirsi and Mr Gallucci, also known as Spud, were both at the Rushden Old Band Club on September 20, 2014.

Andrew Copeland, in the prosecuting opening, said Hirsi used a metal bar to smash the back window of a Volkswagen Passat parked outside the club.

Mr Copeland said: “There was a red mist that clouded his judgement. He sought this act of violence, the criminal damage to the car, as a form of revenge.”

The court heard that, part of the metal pole was then dropped on the floor, and Hirsi returned to his car in the Splash car park.

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Mr Copeland said a number of people, including Mr Gallucci, then followed Hirsi into the car park “wanting to have words with him” as to why he damaged the car.

Hirsi then got into his car, reversed it out of the parking space, and then deliberately drove towards Mr Gallucci and two other man who were both knocked over.

The court heard that witnesses stated Mr Gallucci was knocked backwards 10 feet, causing a fatal head injury.

He said: “Hirsi did not put his car in the direction of the exit ramp. He did not manoeuvre his car safely.

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The court heard that Hirsi then drove away from the scene and returned to London with his girlfriend.

Mr Gallucci, who was rushed to hospital, died as the result of the injuries he sustained in the collision with the car at 6.25pm on September 21, 2014.

Hirsi, of Camden, London, was arrested on the next day and gave a series of ‘no comment’ interviews to police.