Love of chocolate put Northampton in top five for romance, says new survey

Love is definitely in the air in NorthamptonLove is definitely in the air in Northampton
Love is definitely in the air in Northampton
Northampton is the fifth most romantic place in the country, according to a new survey.

The report looked at the amount spent on Valentine's Day products on per capita. Northampton scored highly thanks to people in the town buying chocolate treats for their loved ones.

On top though was Nottingham, which bought the most of the romantic products including music by Lionel Ritchie, champagne, lace lingerie, silk rose petals, love locks, diamond jewellery and bouquets of red roses.

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Nottingham’s neighbours over in Leicester, however, are the most literary lovers. Customers bought the most love stories in the country with Jeffrey Archer’s romantic saga, Cometh the Hour, leaving readers swooning.

Love is in the air in Southampton, the UK’s third most romantic city, which has seen the highest sales of scented candles.

Not to be outdone, hands-on romantics in Manchester bought the most massage oil, whilst the people of Liverpool say it with flowers, buying the most bouquets of red roses per capita in the UK.

Hearts were sinking in Essex, however, with the news that the seaside resort town of Southend-on-Sea is the UK’s least romantic city.

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The top ten most romantic cities in the UK, based on sales of Valentine’s Day products on, per capita, over the last four weeks are:

1. Nottingham

2. Bristol

3. Southampton

4. Leicester

5. Northampton

6. York

7. Manchester

8. Edinburgh

9. Milton Keynes

10. Liverpool