Man jailed for brutal rape in Northamptonshire on New Year's Day

Florin Moraru has been jailed for the brutal New Year's Day sex attack.Florin Moraru has been jailed for the brutal New Year's Day sex attack.
Florin Moraru has been jailed for the brutal New Year's Day sex attack.
A man brutally raped a woman as she walked home from a night out in Northamptonshire just 11 days after he moved to the UK.

Florin Moraru, 25, has been jailed for the New Year’s Day attack.

Northampton Crown Court heard how Moraru, of Regent Street, Kettering, had been at a club in the town celebrating the turn of 2017 when he met the victim.

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Prosecuting, Nicola Moore told the court: “The defendant came up to her and tried to kiss her and she kissed him back.

“She went outside for a cigarette and he pestered for sex.

“She said no and went back into the club.

“He followed and asked her to go with her so they could have sex.

“She said it was never going to happen.”

The victim left but Moraru, a Romanian national, continued to follow her.

She asked three men for help as he was hassling her on her way to a shop.

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They spoke to Moraru and she left but still, he followed her and was later seen on CCTV in the streets of Kettering about a minute behind her.

She decided to cut through St Andrew’s churchyard in Rockingham Road at 5am when she heard Moraru behind her.

Moraru punched her in the face and she fell to the floor and screamed “no, no, no”.

He continued to punch her about seven or eight times, leaving her with serious facial injuries and fractures, and was shouting “shut up you f****** b****”. When the victim stopped struggling Moraru raped her.

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A victim impact statement read to the court by Miss Moore described the impact of the attack on the woman.

Miss Moore said: “She said that she felt responsible for what happened and felt physically sick when she thought about it.

"She indicated that she did not like to go out after dark and insisted that she is accompanied.” A passer-by heard her screams and tried to get the attention of another man to help but he did not speak English.

They called 999 and police officers arrived just after 5.15am.

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A DNA sample matched Moraru’s and he was arrested on January 6 at his place of work, a car wash in Corby.

He originally denied causing any injuries and said the sex was consensual but later pleaded guilty at Northampton Crown Court.

Moraru was on licence, having been released from prison in Romania after the serious robbery of a woman. He had been in the UK for just 11 days when he carried out the attack.

He was jailed for 10 years and eight months for rape and 18 months for ABH, to be served concurrently.

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He was also made the subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and made to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Sentencing, His Honour Judge Mayo said: “It was plain to anybody that she did not want your company.

“You waited, you were a minute behind her as you followed her into a churchyard.

“In the churchyard you brutally raped her and used your fists to smash her face in.”

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Detective Sergeant Nick Cobley, who led the investigation, said: “Florin Moraru is an extremely violent man who carried out a despicable act.

“His behaviour on the night of the incident was predatory and calculated, showing a high level of persistence and having no regard for his victim’s rights or wishes.

“Today’s sentencing has brought a swift resolution to an horrific incident, ensuring this evil man is locked up and unable to commit further offences or put anybody else through such a terrifying ordeal. “I’d like to commend the victim for her bravery and hope today’s sentencing brings some for of closure for her.”