Northants MP says Andrea Leadsom '˜has all the qualities to be Prime Minister' as speculation mounts in national media

Could Andrea Leadsom be the next Prime Minister? Colleagues are encouraging her to run.Could Andrea Leadsom be the next Prime Minister? Colleagues are encouraging her to run.
Could Andrea Leadsom be the next Prime Minister? Colleagues are encouraging her to run.
Conservative colleagues are reportedly encouraging South Northamptonshire MP Andrea Leadsom to run for Prime Minister - though the Tory is yet to be drawn on whether she will go for the top job.

Prominent vote Leave campaigner Andrea Leadsom embarked on a major publicity tour in the run up to last Thursday’s EU referendum, appearing on a televised debate at Wembley, the BBC’s Sunday Politics show and writing leader columns for national newspapers.

The energy minister’s raised stock led to her emerging as a 10-1 shot to take over from David Cameron as leader for the Conservative Party, following his resignation on Friday.

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Since the EU referendum results last Friday, the Chronicle & Echo has been told that Mrs Leadsom has not been available for interview due to “diary commitments”.

As speculation mounts on who will be standing for the leadership election, potential candidates will be frantically lobbying to secure enough support from backbenchers to gain a nomination for the leadership race.

The balloting ends tomorrow (Thursday) and the Daily Telegraph claims Ms Leadsom is among a handful of MPs “considering” mounting a challenge. The Daily Express claims it has also been contacted by at least one major Tory donor who has urged her to run.

Wellingborough MP Peter Bone told the Chron he thought Andrea Leadsom would make an excellent candidate for Prime Minister.

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“At the moment, we just don’t know who the runners and riders are but she would be an extremely strong candidate.

“Andrea has all the qualities necessary to be a PM. She has really showed her metal under fire in the EU campaign. A lot of colleagues are encouraging her to run but that doesn’t mean she will.”