'We are not cancer': Northampton cancer support group bare all for nude charity calendar

Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.
Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.
A Northampton life-long support group is baring almost-all for a charity calendar to raise money for women fighting breast cancer in this county.

Leonie Heard and her charity co-founders Clair Lineham and Jennie Legg, were all diagnosed within six months of each other, and later set up a support group, after meeting by chance.

They founded Breast Friends Northampton - which provides well being tips, provides information and signposts women for relevant breast cancer support.

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This week 16 women stripped off at a member's house in Great Billing for a promotional shoot, before their official calendar snaps are taken, covering their modesty with vegetables, wheelbarrows and flowers.

Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.
Pictures taken by Lou Boileau Photography.

The proceeds from their calendar, which is set to go on sale towards the end of October, will be reinvested back in to the group so it can be a support network for more women affected by breast cancer.

The project is the brainchild of group member Mandie Orton who has been working closely with Leonie Heard.

Leonie said: "In the Calendar Girls it's about not defining yourself in one way.

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"You can end up defining yourself through what you have been through and for us we are so many things but we are not cancer."

Through the calendar shoot the women hope to portray different themes including wellness, fitness, survivor-ship and friendship, which they have now found as a group.

With statistics showing that one in eight women will suffer from breast cancer in their lifetime, the group believe that no person should go through a diagnosis, treatment and post-recovery by themselves.

All of the participants in the shoot are either currently going through treatment, or are post-treatment.

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The group meets at Dapper Sandwich, in Wellingborough Road in Northampton every first Wednesday of the month between 7pm and 9pm.

Last year marked 20 years since the release of the first Calendar Girls-style calendar - which featured 11 members from the Women's Institute in Rylstone, North Yorkshire - which raised £5m for the Bloodwise charity.

The Calendar Girls was later turned into a blockbuster movie featuring Dame Helen Mirren and Dame Julie Walters.

For more information or how to gain support, visit breastfriendsnorthampton.org or email [email protected].

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